Counties of White and Pulaski, Indiana: 1883

The book Counties of White and Pulaski, Indiana, was published by A.F. Battey & Co., Chicago, in 1883. The book is now in the public domain.

Many people have used it as one source for research. Because the Historical Society will be reprinting it does not mean that we believe this book to be the only, or even the best, source of history for the county, but it is an important source.

When you read this post, remember when it was written (1882-83), and understand that the writing is … difficult. These posts are copy/pasted from a Kindle book; the only changes made were to correct obvious issues (for example, characters that had copied into the Kindle instead of letters), and to separate chapters (written in one run-on paragraph) into something with more “white space.”

While adding the white space, some other obvious corrections were made (to names or dates), but we are certain more corrections should be made. If you are interested in using this as a source document, the most accurate accounting is in the hardback version, which can be found at Libraries, or for sale on some websites.

If you are searching for family names, this source can be useful. You will find lists of voters, elected officials, family members… very helpful if you are trying to find family connections. However, check the spellings with other sources to be certain.

This will be a long series. In several of the offerings, you will read about the Native Americans that inhabited these lands long before white settlers took over. The tone is not one condoned by the Historical Society. It is a copy/paste initiative.

We will add posts to this site with the publication of each e-newsletter, on the 10th of each month.